Black Excellence Through the Ages

“Legacy. What is a Legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see." Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton: The Revolution

On Friday, March 8th, the students of the Black Student Union at Center High School presented a program called "Black Excellence Through the Ages" as a culminating event for Black History Month. The program recognized the legacy of excellence left by so many Black artists and leaders from eras dating back to the Harlem Renaissance to current day.

It was an amazing performance. Created, directed, and performed 100% by students. They spoke from the mind and they spoke from the heart. They talked of pride and they talked of struggle. They celebrated excellence and they called for equity. They sang, they danced, they drummed. They performed as a family.


The program featured poetry, music, and dance from the Harlem Renassaince to the New Millenium. Some of the artists are familiar (such as Langston Hughes and James Brown). Others are not so familiar to modern audiences such as poetry by Haki R. Madhubuti (beautifully read by Caleb Wilson and Shaila Williams-Nkongwanzoka). As Rahman Franklin shared in an interview after the performance, the highlight of the program for him was learning and sharing about artists whose work was unfamiliar to him.


Comments from students who participated:

Avery Bennekin (writer & director) - her favorite part was the rehearsals. where she could see the growth in comfort as cast members learned their lines as they practiced.

Jasmine Mithchell - This program is the BSU legacy to Center. Many of the students involved are freshman and sophomores, so there is a solid base on which to build future programs. Note - recruiting is easier when seniors are asking sophomores to perform - sophomores rarely say no to seniors....

Kisa Robinson (creator of the "legacy" video) - In a video presented as part of the program, various CHS students were interviewed, answering the question of "what does it mean to leave a legacy?". One of the answers was that a legacy is how people think about you when you are not present.

Freshman Caila Brigham (next year's director to carry on the legacy) - the plan for next year is to bring people to the past to help them understand today and the future.


So it comes full circle. A story about legacies from the past, becomes a legacy to the future.

Congratulations to all the students for a job very well done.
