About Boone Elementary

Boone Elementary Principal

Boone Elementary serves a diverse population, from kindergarten to fifth grade, in the heart of the Center School District. Boone Bobcats participate in many learning experiences, with a strong academic and social focus. We believe in developing the whole child.

Boone Elementary is proud to have the strong support of parents and community members. The Boone Family and Faculty Organization (BFF) has a rich tradition of contributing to our success through support of many school activities and programs, such as Lego Robotics Clubs, Boone Daze, field trips, and much more.

Principal - Mrs. Jill Rush
Email Address is jrush@center.k12.mo.us


School Hours

Bobcat Start and End Times:
8:45 am - 3:45 pm

Early Release Time:
​ 8:45 am - ​​​​​​1:15 pm

Office Hours:
​ 8:00 am - ​​​​​​4:30 pm

School Spirit

School Colors: Blue and Red
School Mascot: Bobcat
School Mission: THE BOBCAT WAY- Together we will learn, grow and achieve our goals…whatever it takes.
